Once you’ve suffered a job site injury in Minnesota, you might find yourself dealing with a multitude of challenges. You’re forced to take off work, your medical bills are piling up, you’re suffering from physical pain, and you have to make multiple doctor’s visits. Worse yet, you can’t go back to work to help pay off some of the bills. Does workers’ compensation make up for lost wages?
Typically, workers’ comp offers a percentage of the wages that you’ve lost. The amount that you’re entitled to depends on each state’s laws. Some states offer partial benefits for people who have been injured but can still work in some capacity. You’ll get paid the wages that you’re currently earning plus compensation to make up for the wages you’ve lost as a result of the injury.
Other states offer temporary total disability benefits. This allows you to receive a percentage of your previous wages while you’re on leave. Unfortunately, you might not be entitled to 100% of your previous wages, so you may have to restructure your monthly budget. Some states have different laws regarding workers’ compensation, so it’s important to talk to your attorney to make sure that you’re getting all the benefits you’re entitled to.
When should I hire a work injury attorney?
If possible, the best time to hire an attorney is shortly after you’ve been injured. It might not seem necessary, but employers may be more likely to pay out compensation and avoid retaliation if you have an attorney on your side. Additionally, an attorney may help you deal with any potential issues that arise. If your employer still refuses to pay out compensation, an attorney may be able to help you secure the payout that you’re entitled to.