While an on-the-job injury isn’t a pleasant prospect, it is important that Minnesota workers understand important steps involved in reporting an incident and obtaining workers’ compensation benefits. It is important to report an incident promptly to ensure that it is properly documented with company officials. It is also important to seek medical attention to limit the impact of the injury. Copies of all relevant bills and documents should be kept, and notes should be taken to document phone conversations, mileage, and other fees incurred in connection with the injury.
A worker involved in an incident may have questions about benefits and steps to take, and in most cases, the insurance provider for one’s employer is able to address these concerns. Additionally, the state’s Department of Labor and Industry is available to address questions that may arise. In many cases, workers’ compensation claims are handled with few or no problems.
Worker injury benefits and services include payment for reasonable health care resulting from an incident. In some cases, providers for care and prescriptions may be designated through the workers’ compensation program. Vocational rehabilitation may be covered if help is required in returning to gainful employment. If an injury results in permanent total or partial disability, benefits may be available to cover a portion of the wages that would have otherwise been earned. Temporary total disability benefits may be available if an individual cannot work for a limited period of time because of an injury, and temporary partial disability may be available if an individual’s wages drop due to injury.
A worker who is facing challenges in obtaining workers’ compensation benefits for a workplace injury may find it helpful to discuss the situation with an experienced attorney. An attorney might assist in addressing concerns through the DLI or in pursuing a personal injury claim against a negligent non-employer third party who may have been responsible.