FAQ About Workers’ Compensation In Minnesota
Although many workers are familiar with workers’ compensation benefits, most of them also have questions about what to expect throughout the process. An injury can be a specific injury or an injury that is due to repetitive work (called Gillette-type injuries) that occurs gradually over a period of time until the injured worker needs to seek medical treatment or loses time from work. Minnesota workers’ compensation laws cover Gillette-type injuries, such as repetitive stress injuries.
Get Answers To Common Workers’ Compensation Questions
The attorneys at Noack Law Office in Minneapolis educate individuals about the workers’ compensation process, and we answer commonly asked questions, including:
Do I Have A Workers’ Compensation Case?
Many people who suffer injuries because of their jobs are unsure about whether they have a workers’ compensation case. Some people who contact our firm report that they were not at work when they started experiencing pain; others tell us that they haven’t been in their current positions for long.
At Noack Law Office, we know that none of that matters. Put simply, if you are suffering from a work-related injury, we can help you receive the compensation you deserve — regardless of the severity of your injury.
Helping Injured Workers Understand Their Rights
We are committed to helping all injured workers find the compensation they deserve. If an injured person contacts our firm looking for help, it’s unusual for us to turn him or her down. With more than 80 years of combined experience, we know that workers’ compensation benefits cover a range of injuries, and we can help ensure you receive the benefits you deserve. Our Minnesota workers’ compensation lawyers handle the full spectrum of injuries, including:
- Quadriplegia
- Dismemberment in meatpacking plant accidents
- Slip-and-fall accidents in warehouses
- Broken bones
- Carpal tunnel
Willmar Slaughterhouse Injury Lawyer
If you were injured at work, you probably have questions about your rights and the compensation that may be available to you. When you schedule your free initial consultation, we can come to your home to discuss your case and explain what you can expect at every step of the process.
How Do I File A Workers’ Compensation Claim?
Because the law is complicated, it is important to work with a lawyer to file a workers’ compensation claim. The success of your claim may depend on a little nuance of the law, and at Noack Law Office, we know the law well.
Knowing the law can mean the difference between winning and losing a case, and between a good result or a bad result. Many of the people who contact Noack Law Office are asking for help because their first attempt at filing a claim was unsuccessful.
Filing workers’ comp claims in Minneapolis can be a time-consuming process, but our attorneys can help ensure your claim has all the information it needs. When individuals contact our firm, the first thing we do is gather as much information as possible. We ask questions about the date of the injury, and we review medical records individuals already have. Although we encourage new clients to bring their medical records to their first meetings, we can certainly move forward without those.
How Do I Submit A Claim Petition?
As soon as we’ve reviewed the medical records, we submit a claim petition. We know there may be delays elsewhere in the process, so we work as promptly as possible. Often, if we meet a client in the morning, we submit a claim petition that afternoon.
While we wait for an answer about the petition, we help ensure our clients know what to do as we move forward. After we receive an answer about the claim petition, there may be a deposition, discovery between the defense attorney and our firm, a request for an independent medical exam, and an administrative hearing.
The Benefits Of Working With A Minnesota Attorney After Getting Injured At Work
Many people who are interested in filing a workers’ compensation claim are afraid of hiring a lawyer. There is a misconception that working with an attorney could jeopardize their position with their current employer. In reality, the opposite is true. When injured workers work with lawyers, their employers know that they are receiving legal counsel, which helps ensure they do not mistreat the employee.
Was Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Denied?
Many people think that once they receive answers about their workers’ compensation claims, that it is the final answer. Thankfully, that’s not true. In fact, many people’s initial claims are denied. If that happened to you, it’s important to know that you may still be able to receive benefits. Many people who contact our firm — Noack Law Office — have had their initial claims denied, but our experienced attorneys are able to help individuals throughout Minnesota appeal those claims to receive the benefits they deserve.
Our lawyers have more than 80 years of combined experience, and we can help ensure you receive the benefits you deserve — even if your claim has already been denied. Contact us promptly to receive the benefits you deserve.
What if the Insurance Company Said My Case Was Closed?
One of the most common things we hear is that people think their cases are closed because that is what the insurance company said. That doesn’t matter to us. The insurance company may have closed your file, but once you begin working with our team, your file will get reopened.
We know this can be an emotional and stressful process, especially if you’ve already been told your claim was closed. However, insurance companies bank on the fact that you will give up, and it’s important that you don’t. Contact us as soon as possible. Let us be your advocate and fight on your behalf. We can help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
How to choose a doctor and get medical treatment?
If you were hurt as a result of the work you do, you need proper medical treatment. You are entitled to it by law. Choosing a doctor and getting medical treatment can be one of the most difficult part of workers’ comp, in part because employers and their insurance companies usually want you to use their doctor, and partly because medical issues can be very confusing — and very expensive. It is illegal for your employer to force or pressure you to see a certain doctor.
We Will Protect Your Legal Right To Select Your Own Doctor
As an injured employee, you have the right to see any doctor of your choosing at any time — without interference from your employer or your employer’s insurance company. At Noack Law Office, we can help you make sure your legal rights are protected — and make sure your medical needs are met in a proper and timely manner.
What About QRCs?
If you have been assigned a qualified rehabilitation consultant (QRC), it is important to understand who the QRC is working for: the insurance company. However nice the QRC may seem to be, you need to be under the care of a qualified physician. You need to be wary of QRCs, who are used by claims adjusters to keep the insurance company’s costs down.
If you have questions about QRCs or any other aspect of workers’ comp medical benefits, our lawyers and staff can help you make sense of the medical benefits process.
What Benefits Am I Entitled To?
One of the most common questions injured people ask about workers’ comp is, “What benefits am I entitled to?” Our firm is here to help you answer that important question for yourself. The answer will depend on several factors.
At Noack Law Office, our attorneys have been providing advice and representation in workers’ compensation cases for more than 35 years. Our experience, coupled with our knowledge of the law and our commitment to the highest level of customer service, yields excellent results for clients who need and are legally entitled to medical care, wage loss benefits and other benefits.
How Noack Law Office Can Help You
If you are confused about what benefits you are entitled to, or you are trying to find out more about workers’ compensation in general, talk to us. We can help you in the following ways:
- By exploring what wage loss benefits your injury could enable you to receive
- By preparing the necessary paperwork to file a claim
- By getting you medical benefits, namely a proper diagnosis from a physician of your choosing (not your employer’s choosing), and appropriate treatment of your condition
- By looking at any past underpayment of workers’ comp
- By examining other benefits you may not be aware of
Our lawyers and staff are here to help. We welcome the opportunity to work with you and your family.
Receiving Compensation For Gillette-Type Injuries And Repetitive Stress Injuries
In Minnesota, disabling injuries that come from minute repetitive work are known as Gillette injuries. When people perform the same activity hour after hour and day after day, their bones and joints begin to wear down. Eventually, the body may begin to wear down. For some people, the pain may begin gradually. For others, it can be sudden, and the pain may not even start on a day the individual is working. Regardless, if you’ve spent time doing repetitive work and your body is breaking down, there is probably a correlation, and we are here to help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
We Serve Injured Individuals Throughout Minnesota. Call For A Free Consultation.
At Noack Law Office, we serve individuals throughout Minnesota in all workers’ compensation cases. Learn more about the representation an experienced lawyer can offer by scheduling your free initial consultation. We can be reached online or by calling 952-467-8481.
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