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Common workplace skin diseases

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2021 | Workers' Compensation |

Even amid great environmental health concerns and external factors that impact general wellbeing, many workers need to also pay special attention to their atmosphere in the workplace. Industries around Minneapolis have reported a rise in several common workplace skin diseases.

Increased occurrences of sickness and disease

Over the past two decades, great strides have been made to improve the overall quality and safety conditions in the workplace. Green building designs and increased awareness of potential hazards have made an impact across most industries. However, there is an aggressive new player in the arena of workplace illnesses.

Occupational skin diseases

In addition to the harmful impacts of breathing in contaminated dust particles, some industrial workers have another workplace concern. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has reported an increase in skin-affecting contaminants in recent years. Airborne particles that come in contact with skin may contain anything from simple allergens all the way up to serious carcinogens.

Workplace illnesses that involve skin conditions are often overlooked. This is especially true in industries that include new or emerging technologies where risks may not be fully identified or understood. These workplace injuries are no less threatening or harmful just because they are often invisible to the naked eye. these irritants often cause more serious and visible symptoms such as blisters or hives. Industries where there is a potential for minor abrasions like cuts or scrapes also present an increased risk of bacterial infections.

Workers’ compensation caseworkers have identified trends in works that present with persistent coughs and rashes. These conditions could be indicative of harmful airborne pollutants. While these cases are on the rise, they are slightly more difficult to recognize as workplace threats. If you are experiencing any of these common skin irritants, you may consider consulting with an attorney to review your rights.
